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Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can cause life-altering effects requiring rehabilitation and long-term care. They can also take time to identify, whether sustained in a car accident, fall or hit to the head by a hard object. The Clearwater law firm of Scott R. Marshall has years of experience holding negligent parties accountable and assisting brain injury victims in navigating the road to recovery and fighting for the compensation they deserve.

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6344 Roosevelt Blvd.
Clearwater, FL 33760
About Our Firm

Founded in 1997, our firm has represented the people of Florida in claims arising out of Personal Injury, Wrongful Death and Workers’ Compensation ever since.

Scott Marshall believes in a time when lawyers actually sat down with their clients and got to know them. To that end, Scott deals directly with his clients on all legal issues and provides professional, personal and aggressive representation. Our mission is to provide peace of mind to clients and ease the stress of an injury or death while protecting their interests and pursuing a recovery on their behalf.